Avi2Dvd 0.64

Avi2Dvd 0.64

Free Convert any .AVI file to DVD format in a fast and easy manner
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5 Software Informer Virus Free award

Avi2Dvd is a free and easy-to-use application that enables you to convert any .AVI file to DVD format, in a swift and simple manner.
During installation, you may choose which features of Avi2Dvd you wish to install. It is recommended that you select all components from the list, if you intend to use this program at its full potential. You should keep in mind that you would have to install its subset of tools one by one, therefore, it might take a while.

The conversion process allows you to configure a comprehensive array of characteristics for your output file over five main steps. First, you should, of course choose the input file, which may be in .AVI, .OGM, .MKV, .WMV, or .MP4 formats. Afterward, you are enabled to adjust the output file's settings according to your needs, by choosing its disk size, selecting the aspect ratio, or the PAL-NTSC conversion rate. You may, then, select the proper encoding options, choose a subtitle, and last, but not least, create the DVD menu. Once you complete these stages, all you should further do is click on the "Go!!!" button, and wait for the result.

It is an advantageous aspect that the program enables you to customize the output file even after you finish the conversion. For instance, you may modify the DVD menu by adding screenshots from the video, background image and music, buttons (audio on/off, subtitles, start), as well as text.

Another benefit of using this program is the fact that it supports batch conversion. You may select multiple files to convert, and then all the designated tasks will be listed in a Job Queue. If, at any point, you ever reconsider the settings that you had chosen for a certain job, you are always able to alter them by simply pressing the "Modify Job" button, and applying the new changes.

To sum it all up, Avi2Dvd comes across as a helpful application not merely for converting a wide series of film formats into DVD, but moreover, for their flexible customization.

AG Senior editor
Ashley Griggs
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Review summary


  • User-friendly interface
  • Available in many languages
  • Supports batch conversion
  • Able to customize the DVD menu


  • It takes a while to install all components

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Not shareware!! Its freeware!

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